"Being able to make a regular contribution to help with the local farming community in Cheshire is something we are really proud to be part of"
Gwyn Williams
Director, Wright Marshall Ltd
Golden Wheat Sponsors
Why do we need the Golden Wheat Sponsorship Scheme?
In these difficult financial times our help is need more than ever. Farming is the most dangerous occupation in the country and is most vulnerable to suicide and depression. We can help alleviate these problems but it all costs money.
How can you get involved?
By making regular donations or annual sponsorship payments you'll be supporting the work we do with farmers and their families across Cheshire. Ideally you'll be able to offer a minimum of £25/month payable by standing order, make a yearly payment of £300 or £500 for two years support.
What do you get from joining?
Help ensure we maintain a vibrant farming community in Cheshire supplying us with the food we all need.
Receive recognition of your support on our brochures and marquees at agricultural events.
Welcome to our marquees at agricultural events.
Opportunity to display our logo and confirmation of your support on your own advertising material and letterheads.
Certificate(s) to display on your premises recognising your support.
We want to expand further and continue helping the farming community.
The need for our services is increasing but we need your help to meet this need.
Who do we work with?
Addington Fund, Citizens Advice Bureau, Farming Community Network, Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, Specialist agencies such as Alzheimer's society, Age UK etc.
How will your donations help?
Over the past 14 years we have helped hundreds of Cheshire farmers through difficult times.
These have included ;
Financial problems, Bereavement, Retirement, Illness, Housing difficulties, Feelings of depression and suicide, Loneliness, Marriage and family problems, Tenancy issues, Animal health issues, Issues of sexuality (we run a specialist helpline for gay farmers), Help obtaining State Benefits, Succession planning.
To become a sponsor and find out more information on how you can help support Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy, contact:
Ros Rimmer | sponsors@agchap.com | 07762 614 768
Thank You to our Sponsors
3 Shires Marketing Ltd
3 Shires Marketing Ltd is a company that provides a broad spectrum potato market covering everything from the bagging, crisping and the processing marketplace; contract or free buy. We sell potatoes direct to factories as well as other Potato suppliers throughout the North West or supplying the rest of the UK; servicing only those which look after the grower.
Chelford Farm Supplies
Established over 40 years ago, Chelford Farm Supplies is a family-owned business based in the heart of Cheshire. Since it first opened its doors in 1975, Chelford Farm Supplies has developed its reputation as one of Cheshire’s largest suppliers of Farming, Equestrian & Machinery products.
Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership
Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership – an Integrated Care Partnership – will operate as a statutory committee consisting of health and care partners from across the region, including voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations and independent healthcare providers.
Are you confident you are using the right genetics, in the right areas, to maximise the profit in your calves?Cogent Genetic Services has been designed to make full use of and derive profit from every pregnancy you achieve on farm.From PrecisionDNA to Ecofeed, our Genetic Services offering drive efficiencies to maximise profit to your farm.
Delemere Foundation
The Foundation is run by independent trustees and grant panel members who consider applications for funding in line with the Foundation’s objects as set out in its Constitution and with the charitable support of Delamere Dairy. Applications are welcome from charities and organisations whose purpose fits with the objects of the Delamere Dairy Foundation for the benefit of the public, namely
The advancement of agriculture and of environmental protection
The advancement in life of young people by developing their capabilities so that they may mature as contributory members of society
The relief of financial hardship
The advancement of education
The relief of sickness
Eaton Finance
A Family run firm, working with farmers for over 30 years. For all your financial needs, please ontact us on 01829 733046 or email sales@eatonfinance.co.uk
H J Lea Oakes
HJ Lea Oakes is one of the longest established independent animal feed manufacturers in Britain, with a history dating back to Swettenham Mill in 1675 where the Lea family began milling feeds to supply the Cheshire farming community.
Centuries later, we are still independent and family run,
Murray Smith Chartered Accountants
Our mission is to provide outstanding financial advice and support throughout the year to help our clients build and protect their wealth. We do this by offering practical solutions in a welcoming environment and devoting our time to building relationships for the long term.
Oakwood Valuation Surveyors Ltd
Specialist rural property advisers covering Cheshire and North Wales. RICS registered valuers providing valuations of farms and land for all purposes (e.g. taxation, matrimonial, partnership, Trust purposes). Expert advice on land promotion and option agreements.
Over 30 years local experience.
Happy to chat without obligation on rural property matters.
Station House, Stamford New Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1EP
0161 941 4228
The Farmart Magazine
Delivered free in the post each month, The Farmart magazine is a directory of local agricultural suppliers.
Having been around for over 37 years it’s regularly found on farm kitchen tables or farm offices across the region.
To receive a free copy, just call 01625 529900 or fill out your address on the Request Magazine section of our website
The Royal Cheshire County Show
The show holds many competition classes for cattle, sheep, pigs and dairy goats, but also includes hundreds of classes for light and heavy horses, show jumping, rare breeds of livestock, poultry, pygmy goats, pigeons, cavies, rabbits and dog show. It also features the Roberts Bakery Food Halls and Food Live Theatre, The Agri Centre, Inspired Villages Village Green, Countryside Experience Area, Main Ring, and the Rural Life Area which includes, Cheshire WI, NAFAS Flower Marquee, Schools Out, NFU Publicity and many, many more.