Our Mission
Helping and Valuing the whole Farming Community.
A free confidential service offering a listening ear, practical help, and care to the whole farming community, in a non-judgemental way.
What we do
Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy Team covers the whole of Cheshire & Wirral offering 24:7 support to the farming community with a listening ear for as long as required, pastoral support and ability to bring in supporting agencies when required.
Majority of people seen by the team are suffering from depression, mental health issues or financial difficulties. Team members apart from visiting individual farms, attend local livestock markets, local agricultural shows and preside at church services.
Farming as an occupation has one of the highest rate of suicide, many farmers are suffering with difficult issues like financial pressure, isolation, adverse weather conditions, family disputes, government regulations and inspections, administration, poor harvests & livestock disease all combined with long hours of work. All this contributes to serious levels of hopelessness and depression, some thinking of self-harm.
As farmers and Pastors, we are uniquely placed to deliver this support understanding the language of farming and the issues farmers face. We are available to farmers and all allied workers in the industry.
With our association with FCN & RABI we are the only organisation offering this much needed service to the farmers in Cheshire.
Supporting Farmers
Are you working in the farming community or know someone who needs help and would like to talk to our team?
Call our Support line - 07967 559 594
Email - talk@agchap.com
or complete the contact form
Our service is free, confidential and we will provide the guidance and support needed.
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- Fri, 07 FebBulkeley
Thank you to our sponsors
Supporting our team
Please help us to raise funds to support more educational and outreach projects by Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy.
To donate please email sponsors@agchap.com Or download this form
Golden Wheat Sponsorship Scheme
By sponsoring Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy you help ensure we maintain a vibrant farming community in Cheshire. Farming is the most dangerous occupation in the country and is most vulnerable to suicide and depression, your support allows us to work with our farmers through these difficult times.